“I love Kindermusik because it's a wonderful way to allow my daughter to interact with other kids in a fun, safe, and educational environment.  I love to watch her blossom as the semester goes on!”

  • Kacey S., Kindermusik Parent

“We love Kindermusik because it gives us HOPE that one day Anya will see, hear and dance with us. Epilepsy, profound hearing loss, near blindness and Cerebral Palsy fade away whenever we are at Kindermusik with Teacher Ana. We witnessed with great joy Anya's many 'firsts' in class - crawling, standing, assisted walking and we look forward to more. With Kindermusik we dare to dream again that we will one day hear Anya sing and see her dance all on her own, just like all her friends.”

  • Krissy O., Kindermusik Parent

“We love Kindermusik because our daughter is completely engaged and entertained with the songs and instruments and has made lots of new friends!”

  • Krista D., Kindermusik Parent, Canada

It is a happy time in the week that is fun for the whole family.  It helps with social skills for our daughter and exposes her to play and music.  We want to give her as many experiences as we can and Kindermusik has many valuable aspects - music, play, socialization, child and parent interaction, singing and make believe.”

  • Patrick K., Kindermusik Parent

“I love seeing my two year old come out of her shell and discover the joys of music, movement and rhythm, knowing that she adores it too!”

  • Rachel C. Kindermusik Parent

“Our son started Kindermusik at 6 months of age. He had a neck problem called tortecolis. The classes helped in movement and the delays that come with having a physical issue. It also helped with the therapy he had to have.

He has been going to classes ever since. It has been a wonderful experience for him!”

  • Tawnya K., Kindermusik Parent

My son, Tyler (2), and I started taking Kindermusik classes last winter, when he was just a year old.  Tyler, who was born with Down syndrome, has grown and learned so much over the last year because of this class.  At first, he'd just sit and watch all the other children, while swaying to the music.  As time has gone by, he's become much more engaged and interactive with other children, which has been amazing, as his parent, to watch.  Other moms now joke with me that he could be running the class.  He's also using a tremendous amount of sign language signs throughout the class, so his communication is so much better.  I've witnesses so much growth since we've started these classes.  The socialization alone, with other children who are both typically developing and who have special needs, has been invaluable.”

  • Jennifer C., Kindermusik Parent

“My son is on the autism spectrum and i have found Kindermusik to be one of the best interventions we do. It incorporates language, brain development, social skills (to name a few!) in such a fun and relaxed manner. And what's more the take home kits mean we continue the intervention at home.”

  • Beth M. Kindermusik Parent