Boosts baby’s brain and your bond!
In Kindermusik baby music classes, we have unique learning experiences that can be adapted for any age. So whether your baby is a just a few weeks old, a few months, or 12-18 months old, they'll love the together time with their parent, grandparent, or caregiver.
Music is one of your baby’s favorite things – AND it’s one of the best things for your baby’s developing mind. Babies’ brains are filled with billions of neurons just waiting to be connected through sensory stimulation. That’s what we do when we’re in Kindermusik: we offer a sensory rich environment, complete with music, movement and fun, to create and strengthen baby’s neural pathways. Each Kindermusik class touches on every learning domain, creates special bonding moments, and begins to instill a lifelong love of music.
What you'll experience in Kindermusik Music Classes for Babies
Young children newborn to 18 months old are primarily in a receptive mode of learning. With you there to nurture and engage your child, a Kindermusik babies music class gives your little one the perfect head start, musically and developmentally.
- Language Development – You’ll hear lots of sweet coo’s and goo’s before your baby’s first words, and Kindermusik activities will help you develop your baby’s language skills through vocalization in response to music, hearing his name in songs, and exploring sounds with his own voice.
- Vocal Development – Being immersed in a bath of musical sound becomes the precursor to actual singing. Vocal play activities inspire your little one to begin to coo, babble, and hum – the beginning stages of learning to use the voice.
- Cognitive Development – Little minds present a big window of opportunity, a window that’s actually only open for so long. Simple musical play activities increase your baby’s brain development by locating sounds though instrument and object play and feeling a steady beat.
- Gross Motor Skills – One thing will naturally lead to the next as you expand your baby’s movement repertoire through activities that support rolling, crawling, and kicking during music, as well as sitting and standing independently, and later learning to walk, march, and dance.
- Fine Motor Skills – From discovering her hands to learning what her hands can do, your baby will thrive on playful activities with you that give her practice in visually tracking objects and teach her how to reach, grasp, and release those objects as well as to transfer them from hand-to-hand.
- Social Emotional Development – At a time when your child is becoming attached to you and just beginning to make her first connections with other people, Kindermusik helps you strengthen the precious bond with your child through cuddling, playing, humming, and dancing and also heighten the benefits of social interaction with others through side-by-side play and group dances.
- Musical Development – Whether you are bouncing your child to the steady beat or she is doing a fledgling “bouncy” dance on her own, your baby is primed and ready to benefit from an early introduction to music through exploring instruments, listening to sounds, and moving to music.
There are two age groups to choose from for babies: Foundations -- for lap babies and crawlers only (ages newborn - 15 months); Level 1 -- for older babies who are walking up through young toddlers (ages 12 months - 2 & 1/2 years old).
Registration for our spring session opens Wednesday, March 19th at noon. The session begins the week of April 21st and runs through mid-June. Classes are offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays. To see the full schedule of spring session classes or to register for a class, please click "Our Classes" at the top of the page or you can click here (and then type "Kindermusik" into the "Enter Program Name" search bar). To inquire about previewing a class, or if you have any general questions, please contact Jen at or (860) 573-1470 (call or text).